Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

To ensure the safety and welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults by implementing clear procedures, providing appropriate training, and adhering to legal and professional safeguarding standards.

Policy Statement:
First Call Therapy and Health Services is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. We recognise our responsibility to take all safeguarding concerns seriously and to act promptly and appropriately in accordance with local authority guidelines and statutory requirements.

Key Elements

1. Clear Procedures for Identifying and Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

  • All staff members must remain vigilant in identifying potential safeguarding concerns, including signs of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or harm.
  • Any safeguarding concerns must be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
  • All concerns will be logged securely, detailing the nature of the concern, the actions taken, and any referrals made to the local authority.
  • Where an immediate risk of harm is identified, staff will contact emergency services by dialling 999 before notifying the DSL.
  • All safeguarding concerns will be referred to the appropriate local authority safeguarding team in line with statutory guidelines.

2. Staff Training on Safeguarding Responsibilities

  • All staff members will receive safeguarding training as part of their induction and regular refresher training to ensure ongoing awareness and competency.
  • Training will cover:Recognising signs of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
    Understanding legal and ethical responsibilities under safeguarding legislation.
    Familiarity with reporting procedures and documentation requirements.
  • Staff will be provided with up-to-date information on safeguarding practices and changes to local or national guidance.

3. Named Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

  • A designated safeguarding lead (DSL) will be appointed to oversee all safeguarding concerns, provide advice and support to staff, and liaise with local safeguarding authorities.
  • The DSL’s responsibilities include:Ensuring all safeguarding concerns are addressed promptly and appropriately.
    Maintaining detailed records of safeguarding incidents and actions taken.
    Acting as the main point of contact for local safeguarding teams and other relevant agencies.
    Providing ongoing safeguarding training and support to staff members.
  • A deputy DSL will also be appointed to act in the absence of the DSL.

4. Compliance with Local Safeguarding Authorities and Guidelines

  • First Call Therapy and Health Services will adhere to all relevant safeguarding legislation, including:Children Act 1989 and 2004
    Care Act 2014
    Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
  • All safeguarding concerns will be referred to the appropriate local authority safeguarding team, ensuring compliance with local safeguarding protocols.
  • The organisation will cooperate fully with investigations conducted by safeguarding authorities or other statutory bodies.

Implementation and Review

  • This policy will be reviewed annually or in response to changes in safeguarding legislation or guidance.
  • Regular audits of safeguarding practices will be conducted to ensure compliance and effectiveness.

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